Why should I contact a lawyer who handles defective autos?

Why should I contact a lawyer who handles defective autos?

We recognize that no sum of money can fully compensate for the loss, discomfort, and distress caused by circumstances beyond your control. Yet, as a victim of a vehicle defect, you have the right to seek financial redress for the damages incurred. Initiating a lawsuit for a defective vehicle may enable you to recover costs associated with:

  • Lost income
  • Medical expenses
  • Physical pain
  • Emotional suffering
  • Repairs or replacement of the vehicle
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Can i get a refund for a faulty new or used car?

Can i get a refund for a faulty new or used car?

When buying a new or second-hand car in Scotland that subsequently shows a fault, Scottish law offers you several remedies, which may include repair, replacement, or a refund from the seller, with a tool available to help clarify your legal rights. It's important to note, however, that you don't have the legal right to reject a car simply because you've changed your mind or due to cosmetic issues or minor faults that were already disclosed or could have been spotted before buying. The action you can take largely depends on how the car was purchased and the time since purchase:

  • Private Purchase: In Scotland, the caveat of 'buyer beware' still applies, limiting your recourse unless the seller deliberately misled you, which could open the possibility for a claim of misrepresentation.
  • Dealership Purchase: According to the Consumer Rights Act, if a vehicle purchased from a dealership in Scotland doesn't meet the expected standards of quality, description, or suitability, you are entitled to ask for a repair, replacement, or possibly a refund.
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What are the time limits on faulty car claims?

What are the time limits on faulty car claims?

Your rights to claim against a faulty car vary based on how long you've had the vehicle. Initially, you have 30 days under the Consumer Rights Act to reject a faulty vehicle for a full refund, repair, or replacement, proving the fault was not due to wear and tear and existed at purchase. Beyond 30 days, you're entitled to request a repair or replacement, and if unresolved, you can opt for a final rejection and a partial refund, considering 'fair use' deductions after the first month. Key points to remember include:

  • Initial 30-Day Right: You can reject the vehicle for a full refund, or opt for repair or replacement, within the first 30 days.
  • Post-30-Day Claims: After 30 days and up to six months, you can still request repairs or replacements, with the possibility of a refund if these are unsuccessful.
  • Proof and Timeframe: Within six months, the dealer must prove the vehicle had no faults at the sale; beyond six months, the proof burden shifts to you. You have up to five years to take action under the Consumer Rights Act in Scotland, considering the vehicle's condition, age, and mileage for realistic claims.
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Your rights if your car has a problem

Your rights if your car has a problem

If you're dealing with an issue with your car or believe the seller misrepresented the vehicle, we're here to assist you in navigating your rights.

  • We'll clarify your legal entitlements regarding the situation.
  • Assist in drafting a complaint letter for the car dealership.
  • If necessary, guide you on how to escalate the matter for a more effective resolution.

Describe the issue at hand, and our legal experts will offer a comprehensive breakdown of your legal position, discuss potential strategies with you, and meticulously advise on the best steps to take at every point to ensure the best possible outcome for your situation.

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Does your car have a defect, Find out your rights?