"Budget Estate agents only save you money on fees if they achieve exactly the same results as a quality, proactive agent
McEwan Fraser Legal - Your Home Is Worth More With Us
- Winners of the Sunday Times Best Estate Agency in the United Kingdom 2013
- Winners of the Sunday Times Best Estate Agency in Scotland, 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2016.
- Silver award from The Sunday Times as Best Estate Agents in the UK for marketing 2015.
- Winners of the Sunday Times Best Estate Agency for Innovation in the United Kingdom 2013.
- Sellers have the option of deferring all upfront fees. Our Estate Agency fees are only paid once the property has successfully sold and there is no cancellation fee.
- Award Winning professional photographers and graphic designers who create eye-catching individually designed hard copy property sales schedules.
- Our head office is open until Midnight during weekdays and until 10 pm on weekends to ensure we are contactable to both buyers and sellers, with an on-duty solicitor normally available during these times.
- Qualified professional negotiators to ensure you achieve the maximum sales price for your property
- An organisation of multilingual employees across multiple languages, to fluently communicate with our growing number of international buyer enquiries.
- Clients have access in real-time to a 24 hour interactive IT system that supports the sales journey from start to finish, through an easy to use the password-protected online message board and with our mobile app
- We have a number of marketing strategies that are totally unique to McEwan Fraser Legal, including our Part Exchange initiative. Which creates competitive bidding for properties
- McEwan Fraser Legal promote the lifestyle and location of your property through an in-house library of professionally produced videos, as the location and lifestyle is often more important than the actual property.
- Don't just take our word for it, visit the hundreds of testimonials in your area for social proof. All these sellers made the smart choice, we hope you do too. No Estate Agent in the UK has more video testimonials than McEwan Fraser Legal.
Typical Low Fee Estate Agents
- With many low fee agents, you have to pay upfront estate agency fees regardless if the property sells or not.
- With many low fee agents, you will have repeat or additional estate agency fees if the property has not sold in a set time scale.
- Very few low fee Estate Agent offer a conveyancing service, but will happily steer you to a firm of solicitors of their choice, where most agents earn a handsome commission for the legal referral. Commissions are very often paid on the onward purchase
- By not offering conveyancing low fee agents lose substantial control of the transaction.
- Some low fee agents don’t employ valuers and claim you should rely on the Home Report for a valuation. A professional valuers role is entirely different from a chartered surveyors role. A professional valuer will advise on many different marketing strategies to maximise the selling price of your property. Cutting corners in marketing often result in cutting the price of your property.
- Some low fee agents require you to take mortgage products through their preferred mortgage brokers and again earn a commission for any such referrals.
- Many Low fee agents tend to heavily promote their low fees rather than offering creative and innovative marketing solutions to help sell your property.
- The best people in any industry are seldom attracted to commission only jobs.
- Many online low fee agents operate online and it can sometimes be very difficult to obtain dedicated client support.
- Some low fee Estate Agents are only interested in advertising their low fees next to your property on their website and on your For Sale Board. This advertising is at your expense and in our opinion looks pretty ugly and uninviting to prospective purchasers, particularly when you are paying to showcase your property.
- If a low fee Estate Agent can't protect their own fees, do you honestly believe they will be able to protect the selling price of most people's biggest financial asset- your property?
- Basic property schedules with poor quality photographs and some don't even provide hard copy sales brochures. A hard copy sales brochure is absolutely essential to professionally market and presents your property. Don't accept the standard excuse -everyone will only look at your property online.
- If low fee agents offered the same expertise and commitment as quality respected agents then the quality agents would cease to exist. The reality is traditional Estate Agent do more and ultimately achieve you more.
- Why would a low fee Estate Agent fight your corner to help you achieve even a slightly better price for your property when they've already been fully paid for their services?
- The bottom line is low fee agents advertising focuses predominantly on what they can save you in fees and none that we know advertise what they could actually cost you in selling your property for less than it's actually worth. Consider this – if a proactive quality agent achieved you just 5% more for your property than a low fee agent, how much more would you achieve on the sale of your property against any savings made on fees.
- Typical opening hours of low fee agents 9 – 5 pm weekdays and closed weekends – some claim to be open 24 hours, but you typically get someone in a call centre answering your call and have little knowledge of the property market or your particular property. Don’t just take our word to do a mystery shop on any online agents before being seduced by low fees.